423: On fortune tellers and psychic abilities

Brandon and Erica comment on a listener’s experience with a psychic reader and the whole realm of psychic experience, which has its own pitfalls to avoid but also an undeniable dimension of legitimate extrasensory perception that we all share in to some degree....

422: Delving deeper into the law of karma

Brandon is inspired by a listener’s message to discuss the law of karma and other expansive universal-relativistic subjects which can be hard to understand or relate to from our human perspective, sharing audio clips that discuss these often-misunderstood...

421: Interview episode with blogger Benjamin Foley

Ben is a top-writer over at medium.com, runs the Fully Rich Life blog and has written pieces for such outlets as CNBC, Thought Catalog and the NY Observer. In this episode Ben shares his own personal story of how he overcame anxiety and depression, why he walked away...

420: On matters of manifestation and influence

Brandon answers a couple of listener questions in more detail and seeks to inspire and empower by talking about how we can attract what we desire even if it seems unlikely, and how we always attract people into our lives who influence us, or are influenced in turn,...

419: Let go of the struggle

Brandon shares a very touching listener review/personal story and is inspired to talk about letting go of resistance, flowing with what feels good and thus changing our personal point of attraction, sharing an Abraham-Hicks clip that delves into the subject. Dig this...

418: Can I be the space for this?

Brandon reads a listener review and addresses its message, from the point of view of someone stuck in a rut, and shares an entertaining and insightful Eckhart Tolle clip with a very simple but important question: “Can I be the space for whatever is happening...