2151: Soul-Share Gridwork Guardian, Xi Earth Star

Xi is a gridwork guardian and gatekeeper who founded the EarthStar Academy with the aim of assisting in the restoration of love to the heart of all humanity. In this episode, Xi and Brandon discuss dragon energy, stepping into our king and queenship, as well as the...

2150: Staying in a High Vibrational Frequency

In today’s episode, Erica discusses maintaining a high vibrational frequency even when external circumstances provoke feelings of upset or anger. She emphasizes that anything triggering negative emotions serves as a reflection, guiding us back to a positive...

2149: Knowing God

In today’s episode, Brandon pulls a few cards from the Untethered Soul card deck and discusses their meaning.   Care to play a game with the youniverse? Ask the universe the episode you would most benefit from hearing next and click...