494: Interview with astrologer Adam Sommer

Adam Sommer is an astrologer and host of the Exploring Astrology podcast, which is also a part of the MindPod Network. In this episode Adam shares insight into his personal story, discusses the theory that celestial bodies form music, the significance and symbolism of...

493: What is it that we actually win when we “win”?

Brandon is inspired to talk about winning and the ego, two very timely topics considering how many allegedly-successful people today model a highly dysfunctional and divisive form of winning. He also shares his own perspectives dealing with both sides of this coin,...

491: What aliens have to share with us about money

Brandon shares a clip shared on social media about an individual’s insights into the nature of money while on a psychedelic journey, and these insights encompass many of the more liberating and empowering perspectives that Brandon has shared before on the show...