Thank you, so very much Brandon for this beautiful podcast and for all of the work that you put into it! I stumbled onto this podcast about 3 months ago. I work from home, raising 3 kids under age 7 and operating an Etsy shop, and various other things for income. I listen to the radio or the news almost all of the time, as a form of "adult conversation" and a connection to the outside world. I started getting overwhelmed with how horrible the news was making me feel, so started looking for "positive energy" podcasts, and I found yours.
I listen every day, and I love spinning the dial and landing on old ones when I get time to "binge listen". Without fail, I've landed on exactly what I need! Once, my husband was working like crazy and I was suffering from a complete lack of patience with my kids. I landed on the podcast you did with Eckhart Tolle talking with Oprah. The example he gave was me! "Let's say there is a woman in charge of three children, her husband is away at work all of the time, and she is feeling unappreciated." No kidding. I cried and cried. The episode taught me to put some space between my angry situations and my reactions and to not lash out at my hubby. Another time I did a meditation asking the divine for some guidance on my next career steps. I landed on a sort of recent podcast of yours about how the universe will support you no matter what choices you make! One more example--I had a rough weekend with a family member who is really angry about a lot of things. My family member unleashed on me a barrage of insults and made me feel like all the things I have done to help this person improve their life has been for naught. It really got me down. Today, I landed on episode 374 about turning negatives into positives. It taught me to treat those moments like a game, and to be an alchemist, sending love and light into those horrible angry outlashes. Next time, I'll do better!
Thank you, brother. You can't possibly know what this has done for my life, my spiritual journey, and all of the spiritual beings that I'm sheparding right now.
Much love!
PS I have never heard you play any String Cheese Incident as your music selection. Check out Joyful Sound and Close Your Eyes (to name a few). So much good energy in those songs. :)