1714: Departed Loved Ones as Angelic Guides

In today’s episode, Brandon reads a few more afterlife communication cases from the book Destiny of Souls which highlights how departed loved ones can be perceived when attempting to contact with family members that remain in the physical. Care to play a game...

1712: The Art of Being Yourself

In today’s episode, Erica plays around with grounding.  She starts the episode off by being herself, not grounding, and then channeling the episodes as she normally would.  Erica also talks about the art of being yourself and using challenges as a way...

1710: Life is Actually Very Very Simple!

In today’s episode, Erica talks about how we tend to complicate things in our lives when really, everything is very simple.  She also talks about how when we are able to be aligned with our higher being, our manifestations come through a lot quicker. ...

1709: Creative Afterlife Communication Cases

In today’s episode, Brandon reads several afterlife communication cases from the book Destiny of Souls which highlights a few unique and creative approaches departed loved ones utilize to establish contact with family members that remain in the physical. Care to...