1813: Little Shifts Lead to Big Shifts

In this episode, Brandon discusses the compounding interest of making energetic shifts within ourselves and with how we perceive things around us. Care to play a game with the youniverse? Now you can let the youniverse choose the episode you are meant to hear next by...

1812: Living the Spirit of Aloha

In today’s episode, Erica goes into detail about what the spirit of aloha actually means.  She also talks about treating everyone with kindness and respect and approaching every situation with love and gratitude.  Care to play a game with the...

1810: Freewill and Our Higher Selves

In today’s episode, Erica talks about how we create with our thoughts and words.  She also talks about the other sides of doubt and disbelief and how our higher selves will always talk to us through our conscious beliefs and patterns.   Care to...

1808: Address Your Own Shadows

In today’s episode Brandon discusses a quote from Confucious about addressing the evil in yourself, not others. He also shares a clip from Abraham with many powerful points on how to more fully align with our inner being. Care to play a game with the youniverse?...