1883: Happy Trails to You (Flashback Episode)

On today’s episode, Brandon decides to hop into his time machine and share an episode from 2019. In it, Brandon talks about giving one’s power away, figuratively speaking, since as sovereign conscious beings humans cannot really give their power away; we...

1882: Break Your Patterns and Follow Your Feelings

In today’s episode, Erica talks about the many patterns she sees within her clients due to the opinions and thoughts of others and how we can break free from these patterns by making one single decision in our minds.  She also talks about not comparing...

1881: Soul-Share with Dream Builder, Mary Morrissey

Mary is an author, empowerment specialist, and founder of the Brave Thinking Institute who has spent the last 40 years helping people to build their dreams by becoming “brave thinkers”. In this episode, she shares her miraculous healing story when she was...

1880: The Council

On today’s episode, Erica reads chapter 14 of Dolores Cannon’s book “The Three Waves of Volunteers & the New Earth.”  In this chapter, Erica reads about the experiments that have been done on Earth and a few other planets, how we have...

1879: Trajectory Beats Position

In today’s episode, Brandon shares an inspiring perspective he recently heard at a friends gathering about the importance of focusing on where we are going rather than where we have been. To find out more about the live Dream Builder Event, check out:...