1977: We Are One

On today’s episode, Erica reads from The Law of One and reads from a few sessions. She reads about unity, love, light, and joy and how this is what makes us all one. She also talks about the incredible energies that lie within our energy centers. Care to play a...

1975: A Change of Speech is a Change of Mind

In today’s episode, Erica talks about how important it is to pay attention to the way we talk to ourselves.  She then shares a clip by Neville Goddard where he talks about changing our reality by changing our thoughts. Care to play a game with the...

1974: Let Go of the Cork

On today’s episode, Brandon shares insights from an argument he had earlier in the day and discusses the importance of staying in harmony with who we are. He also discusses the key thing to consider when trying to get where we most want to go. Care to play a...