35: Is there really a heaven and hell?

Brandon and Dalien discuss a listener’s question about heaven and hell, what the spiritual teacher Osho thought about finding answers to the ultimate truths, as well as 10,000 year old paintings that were recently discovered in India that purportedly depict...

33: Daily – Brandon and Dalien

Brandon and Dalien discuss choosing vs. achieving success, making medicine your food, the importance of ingesting positive information daily, and a bizarre story from 1954 of a traveler with a passport from an unknown country who vanished without a trace. Dig this...

32: Daily – Brandon and Dalien

Brandon and Dalien discuss dissolving the ego, reports of superhuman abilities, a new study which shows that Ayahuasca rewires the human brain, as well as techniques on how to fully process emotions and avoid wallowing in negativity.

31: Daily – Brandon and Dalien

Brandon and Dalien discuss an old friends recent online post about the loss of childhood optimism, the path to overcoming hopelessness, a new meditation strategy being used at a school in San Francisco and Positive Head writer Ponzi chimes in to read the positive...

30: Daily – Brandon and Dalien

Brandon and Dalien talk about Oprah Winfrey’s inspiring life story, the intention behind the launch of Positive Head, an experimental idea to help spread the positivity, and a recent show-based synchronicity. Akashic reader and Positive Head writer Sue Krebs...