112: Let your mirror be polished

Brandon shares a personal story about a recent interaction that would have agitated him at one time, and expands on a quote by Rumi pertaining to how we can use annoyances and challenges to gain deeper self-awareness. They also share Eckhart Tolle’s perspective...

109: Psychometry and Authenticity

In this episode Brandon and Dalien take a question from the audience regarding psychic abilities such as psychometry. Anna also joins the show to discuss the concept that we are all perfectly imperfect and getting in tune with our authentic selves.

107: But what about all the suffering in the world?

Brandon and Dalien are joined by Ponzi who shares a sincere and powerful perspective regarding all the pain and suffering in the world, and how it has lead many people (including himself) to doubt the legitimacy of the spiritual path. They also discuss how negative...