1301: The Spiritual Side of Wealth

In today’s episode, Erica and Samantha answer a question from a fellow P-Head on the Positive Head Facebook page.  Samantha and Erica share their insight about the conflict of being a spiritual being while also wanting to earn wealth and how obtained wealth...

1300: The Presence of Cause and Effect

Brandon continues reading short essays from Emmet Fox. In today’s episode, he reads and discusses an essay about presence, the different vantage points people can have on the same topic, and the cause and effects of our thoughts.  Get $10 off your first...

1298: The Caregiver Archetype

In today’s episode, Erica talks about what it means to be a caregiver and also describes how to step into the power of this archetype.  Get 30% off your first month plus FREE shipping on any crate line at kiwico.com/POSITIVEHEAD Care to play a game with the...

1297: Soul-Share with Connected Introvert, Nick Shelton

Nick Shelton is the author of the newly released book, An Introverts Guide to World Domination. In this episode, Nick and Brandon discuss the power of observation, the power of networking, and Nick shares powerful strategies for people to connect more meaningfully in...