The Positive Head Podcast

my mother was of the sky my father was of the earth but I am of the universe

Namaste! I've been listening for some weeks now, and officially hooked! I found your podcast while looking for new things in my Upload on SoundCloud. Ever since then, I've been binging all at work. The positive vibes I get from this show help me get through the day easy breezy! I've been on my spiritual journey for almost my entire life, and just learn more from your show every day.
My mother taught me Wicca/Paganism, and my father taught me Buddhism from a very young age. We would attend Wiccan full moon rituals at a Unitarian Universalist Church almost every month for every full moon. From the UU Church and my up-bringing, I've always loved to pick apart religions and piece together all the similarities. I was listening to one of your podcasts the other day that had to deal with "falling off the wagon" (I actually believe it was episode 555...weird?), and it kind of reminded me a little bit of LaVeyan Satanism. What most people don't understand about this kind of satanism, is that they don't actually believe in Satan what so ever! It's accepting, and loving any "act of Satan" or "sinning" you commit in your life instead of damning yourself. But yet satanists respect all beings. That's why you see Satanic billboards outside of corrupted Christian schools saying "In Our Religion, we don't even beat our kids" or something like that. To "sin" is a natural human instinct that we can't deny. So why not embrace it? What do you think? I thought this might be an interesting "food for thought" with the upcoming episode of 666 😈😈😈
I love you so so so so soooo much

-Maddi Xenia

Feb. 21, 2018 by MatchWithTheSkies on Apple Podcasts

The Positive Head Podcast

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