This has been a long time coming. I found you in January while taking a long road trip up to the UP of Michigan from Milwaukee, WI. I was in a deep depression and seeking help, guidance, clarity and support. I searched the word 'positive' and your podcast showed up. I searched for episodes that spoke on the topic of depression and found quite a few. I listened to one, maybe two and soon gathered some insight and wisdom from you and guest that helped me sit with my sadness, my healing, my heart and listen. That was the moment I learned to give thanks to my suffering, that my depression was a door to a deep connection to myself and to God. I have listened to hundreds of episodes, now. Everyone unique and offering me specific insight into the experience I am having, with countless synchronicities now tickling me on the reg - and most often when Im currently listening or had just listened to The Positive Head. I have had a numerology reading from Darius and am currently taking Josiahs course "Creative Life Mastery'. In a way, I feel like the Positive Head Podcast is the mentor I was always seeking. Brandon and the P-Head Posse, I have a rainbow of gratitute and love for you. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
I love sharing songs with friends and wanted to share the song I am listening to right now as I write this. Danit Treubig - Guacamayo (I can only find it on youtube or soundcloud) Check it out. So good!
Sept. 8, 2018 by Sunny Kramer on Apple Podcasts