Good Morning Brandon..
Just a thought..I loved how you said turn our love to this individual and just pour it on...Because the reason we know there is something off, is because when pushed, love quickly disappears from this individual’s purpose, and over and over again it happened...So I agree with Chris, I believe who said walk away...God/Spirit is not the author of confusion and this has been covered in a fog of confusion.
So I have an idea, what if we grab our arsenal of love, positivity and acceptance and turn it on each other...What if we make something amazing out of this situation and commit to go on the PHead FB page once or twice a day until the end of the year and just start commenting on each other’s posts..I love you, Love, Love, Love, Love and almost manifest a wave of love, not towards this situation, but towards each other....
Blessings on all your hard work..
I truly appreciate you...
LisaMarie 💕
Dec. 12, 2018 by LALisaMarie1 on Apple Podcasts