The Positive Head Podcast

Phenomenal Spiritual Podcast to positively keep you going

I want to express my full gratitude to you for this as you call it “labor of love.” On this spiritual journey we often can question what is real or fake. An episode I heard the other day about synchronicities and noticing red lights and green lights was really impactful as all your positive words always are. I had been questioning this journey the past few months and honestly have been in hermit mode but your words have been refreshing to continue and push forward. To embrace all that we are, all that I am. You mentioned how you and your wife can be a little nutty and your son is the mature well put together one. Hearing that helped immensely. I felt kept trying to be what i thought I should because of this “spiritual journey,” and honestly forgot who i am or actually denied who i am. You reminded me to take all the teachings and be who you are and just spread joy and love. Truly grateful for the work and time you put towards these episodes. I highly recommend everyone to listen even if you aren’t on a spiritual journey, this can help you on the journey of life, self acceptance, grow and evolve. Many blessings and I look forward to continuing to listen to your stories, thoughts, and inspirations.

Feb. 18, 2023 by AdrianaElf on Apple Podcasts

The Positive Head Podcast

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