The Positive Head Podcast

Tune-in weekly for inspiring Soul-Share interviews with consciousness change-makers hosted by the original Positive Head, Brandon Beachum.

Although both Brandon and Dr. Erica Middlemiss are currently taking a break from recording solo daily episodes, you can still dive into our massive archive of over 1,500 past solo episodes featuring timeless and eternally relevant content.

We know it is a daily conscious effort to maintain a positive headspace, and we’re here to help keep you on the path to becoming your greatest and grandest self!

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2153: Stories of Synchronicity and Empowerment (Flashback Episode)

In today’s episode, Brandon decides to jump into his time machine and share an episode from 2016.  In it, Brandon speaks with two listeners and features a recorded message from a third, all having in common stories where synchronicity intertwines with their intentions to be positive, open up, and grow.

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Download The Golden Key audio or e-book at GoldenKey.Gift with the Code: POSITIVEHEAD


2152: Pay No Mind to the Illusory Fear (Flashback Episode)

In today’s episode, Erica decides to jump into her time machine and share an episode from 2020.  In it, Erica talks about not allowing fear to run our lives. She discusses situations where a profound change is about to occur and how anxiety and fear can creep in and distort the main focus which, ultimately, is love.

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Download The Golden Key audio or e-book at GoldenKey.Gift with the Code: POSITIVEHEAD


2151: Soul-Share Gridwork Guardian, Xi Earth Star

Xi is a gridwork guardian and gatekeeper who founded the EarthStar Academy with the aim of assisting in the restoration of love to the heart of all humanity. In this episode, Xi and Brandon discuss dragon energy, stepping into our king and queenship, as well as the false matrix.

Get a free month of the EarthStar Academy here with code POSITIVEHEAD at

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Download The Golden Key audio or e-book at GoldenKey.Gift with the Code: POSITIVEHEAD


2150: Staying in a High Vibrational Frequency

In today’s episode, Erica discusses maintaining a high vibrational frequency even when external circumstances provoke feelings of upset or anger. She emphasizes that anything triggering negative emotions serves as a reflection, guiding us back to a positive state. Additionally, Erica shares a relevant clip from Abraham Hicks on this topic.


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Download The Golden Key audio or e-book at GoldenKey.Gift with the Code: POSITIVEHEAD

2149: Knowing God

In today’s episode, Brandon pulls a few cards from the Untethered Soul card deck and discusses their meaning.


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Download The Golden Key audio or e-book at GoldenKey.Gift with the Code: POSITIVEHEAD

2148: Potential Selves & Parallel Realities (Flashback Episode)

In today’s episode, Brandon decides to jump into his time machine and shares an episode from 2016. In it, Brandon and Dalien take a crack at answering a question from the audience about parallel realities and also share a clip of Bashar talking about this fascinating subject matter.

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Download The Golden Key audio or e-book at GoldenKey.Gift with the Code: POSITIVEHEAD


2147: How to Hear Your Higher Self

In today’s episode, Erica talks about how we can make our lives even more magical by connecting with our higher selves.  She breaks down how to listen to our spirit and gives examples of how psychic visions are seen in the mind’s eye.

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Download The Golden Key audio or e-book at GoldenKey.Gift with the Code: POSITIVEHEAD


2146: Soul-Share with Love Activist, Scott Stabile

Scott is a passionate transformational breathwork facilitator and author who helps people tap into the power derived from living with a wide-open heart. In this episode, he shares insights from his new book Enough As You Are and what it means to be a “Love Activist”.

Connect with Scott at

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Download The Golden Key audio or e-book at GoldenKey.Gift with the Code: POSITIVEHEAD


2145: The Four Simple Steps to Living in Bliss

In today’s episode, Erica shares a clip from Bashar where he talks about the four simple steps to bliss and living as our authentic selves. Erica then goes on to talk about how when we come back to our heart centers, we come back to our full power.

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Download The Golden Key audio or e-book at GoldenKey.Gift with the Code: POSITIVEHEAD


2144: Enlightenment is a Destructive Process (Flashback Episode)

In today’s episode, Brandon decides to jump into his time machine and shares an episode from 2016. In it, Brandon and Dalien discuss a quote and audio clip from Adyashanti that talks about enlightenment as our natural, unaltered state of perception and being, once we dissolve the ego. Also, Dalien shares a story about a fairly advanced but little-known ancient civilization from South America.

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Download The Golden Key audio or e-book at GoldenKey.Gift with the Code: POSITIVEHEAD


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