The Positive Head Podcast

Tune-in weekly for inspiring Soul-Share interviews with consciousness change-makers hosted by the original Positive Head, Brandon Beachum.

Although both Brandon and Dr. Erica Middlemiss are currently taking a break from recording solo daily episodes, you can still dive into our massive archive of over 1,500 past solo episodes featuring timeless and eternally relevant content.

We know it is a daily conscious effort to maintain a positive headspace, and we’re here to help keep you on the path to becoming your greatest and grandest self!

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1837: The Music of the Spheres

On today’s episode, Erica reads from Manly P. Haul’s book, “The Secret Teachings of All Ages.”  She then goes on to talk about the various senses that we cannot perceive or experience, just like the many dimensions that are also always around us.

More on Journey to Jupiter

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Download The Golden Key audio or e-book at GoldenKey.Gift with the Code: POSITIVEHEAD

Follow Brandon on Instagram and text him to receive regular golden nuggets of wisdom at 310.564.0750

Check out the Stories of Impact podcast wherever you tune in to your pods!

1836: Second Soul-Share with NDE Survivor, Peter Panagore

Peter is a near-death experience survivor and mystic who recently shared a detailed account of his experience on the other side in episode 1812. In this episode, he joins Brandon for a second time to share how his life changed after his experience and the perspectives and wisdom that have continued to expand in his life ever since.

Care to play a game with the youniverse? Ask the universe the episode you would most benefit from hearing next and click

Download The Golden Key audio or e-book at GoldenKey.Gift with the Code: POSITIVEHEAD

Follow Brandon on Instagram and text him to receive regular golden nuggets of wisdom at 310.564.0750

Check out the Stories of Impact podcast wherever you tune in to your pods!

1835: The Earth Wants Love Too

On today’s episode, Erica shares a clip from a recent session with a client where she talks about beings who are here to help aid in the healing of the world.  Erica also talks about how nature is here to help keep us connected to the earth and that plants and trees want to be loved as well.

Care to play a game with the youniverse? Ask the universe the episode you would most benefit from hearing next and click

Download The Golden Key audio or e-book at GoldenKey.Gift with the Code: POSITIVEHEAD

Follow Brandon on Instagram and text him to receive regular golden nuggets of wisdom at 310.564.0750

Check out the Stories of Impact podcast wherever you tune in to your pods!

1834: Life Has No Purpose, Life is the Purpose (Flashback Episode)

On today’s episode, Brandon decides to hop into his time machine and share an episode from 2016. In it, Brandon and Dalien discuss a talk from Osho about life having no purpose, how adults play games but children only play, and how you already are what you’re seeking to be, you need only to realize it.

Care to play a game with the youniverse? Ask the universe the episode you would most benefit from hearing next and click

Download The Golden Key audio or e-book at GoldenKey.Gift with the Code: POSITIVEHEAD

Follow Brandon on Instagram and text him to receive regular golden nuggets of wisdom at 310.564.0750

Check out the Stories of Impact podcast wherever you tune in to your pods!

1833: Questions for Accountability

In today’s episode, Brandon shares a few questions to pose in an effort to hold ourselves accountable in trying situations. He also reflects on his own recent rub with a co-worker and how he asked these questions to himself to bring greater clarity to the situation.

Care to play a game with the youniverse? Ask the universe the episode you would most benefit from hearing next and click

Download The Golden Key audio or e-book at GoldenKey.Gift with the Code: POSITIVEHEAD

Follow Brandon on Instagram and text him to receive regular golden nuggets of wisdom at 310.564.0750

Check out the Stories of Impact podcast wherever you tune in to your pods!

1832: Become a Seeker of Truth

In today’s episode, Erica talks about how we experience doubt and uncertainty in this lifetime and how we need to rely on and trust in ourselves.   She also talks about her own personal journey and how she became a seeker of truth. 

More on Journey to Jupiter

Check out the Stories of Impact podcast wherever you tune in to your pods! 

Care to play a game with the youniverse? Now you can let the youniverse choose the episode you are meant to hear next by clicking here!

Download The Golden Key audio or e-book at GoldenKey.Gift with the Code: POSITIVEHEAD

Follow Brandon on Instagram, Twitter and text him to receive regular golden nuggets of wisdom at 310.564.0750

1831: Soul-Share with Conscious Lifestyle Designer, Gerald Rogers

Gerald is a speaker, author, and transformational seminar leader who has been featured on multiple mainstream media networks around the world. In this episode, he discusses the power of the superconscious and how we can access it more fully, as well as the seven codes of conscious creation. 

Join Gerald’s daily soul alignments at 7:40 am PST at

Check out the Stories of Impact podcast wherever you tune in to your pods! 

Care to play a game with the youniverse? Now you can let the youniverse choose the episode you are meant to hear next by clicking here!

Download The Golden Key audio or e-book at GoldenKey.Gift with the Code: POSITIVEHEAD

Follow Brandon on Instagram, Twitter and text him to receive regular golden nuggets of wisdom at 310.564.0750

1830: The Temple of Knowing

In today’s episode, Erica reads from chapter 20 of Dolores Cannon’s book “The Convoluted Universe- Book Three.”  This chapter contains information about the energy in crystals, what a dreamer actually is, and that we are here to show others how beautiful this life can truly be. 

More on Journey to Jupiter

Check out the Stories of Impact podcast wherever you tune in to your pods! 

Care to play a game with the youniverse? Now you can let the youniverse choose the episode you are meant to hear next by clicking here!

Download The Golden Key audio or e-book at GoldenKey.Gift with the Code: POSITIVEHEAD

Follow Brandon on Instagram, Twitter and text him to receive regular golden nuggets of wisdom at 310.564.0750

1829: Evil is Just Live Spelled Backwards (Flashback Episode)

On today’s episode, Brandon decides to hop into his time machine and share an episode from 2016. In it, Brandon and Dalien discuss the concept of evil and how bringing awareness to it can help transmute it. Dalien also shares a story of mutant-type powers that some people have that allows them to see many more colors than the average person.

Check out the Stories of Impact podcast wherever you tune in to your pods! 

Care to play a game with the youniverse? Now you can let the youniverse choose the episode you are meant to hear next by clicking here!

Download The Golden Key audio or e-book at GoldenKey.Gift with the Code: POSITIVEHEAD

Follow Brandon on Instagram, Twitter and text him to receive regular golden nuggets of wisdom at 310.564.0750

1828: Immersion Over Achievement

In today’s episode, Brandon shares some synchronicity around his purpose according to The Gene Keys. He also discusses a powerful takeaway from the 28th Gene Key regarding the power of immersing oneself in the moment as opposed to focusing on achievement.

Check out the Stories of Impact podcast wherever you tune in to your pods! 

Care to play a game with the youniverse? Now you can let the youniverse choose the episode you are meant to hear next by clicking here!

Download The Golden Key audio or e-book at GoldenKey.Gift with the Code: POSITIVEHEAD

Follow Brandon on Instagram, Twitter and text him to receive regular golden nuggets of wisdom at 310.564.0750

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