The Positive Head Podcast

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We know it is a daily conscious effort to maintain a positive headspace, and we’re here to help keep you on the path to becoming your greatest and grandest self!

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64: Interview with Mitch Schultz, director of the documentary DMT: The Spirit Molecule

Mitch Schultz is the director of the highly acclaimed documentary DMT: The Spirit Molecule. In this episode, Brandon and Mitch discuss the documentary in depth, which follows the fascinating research done by Dr. Rick Strassman where he gave his patients the commonly occurring molecule DMT (dimethyltryptamine). They discuss many incredible accounts that his patients experienced in other dimensions of reality while on DMT, and why Dr. Strassman ultimately determined that his patients were actually dealing with a spiritual phenomenon.

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63: The pendulum swings, be at peace

Brandon shares a very personal story about recent changes in his fortune, discusses divine design and how all roads ultimately lead you where you’re meant to go if you’re patient.

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62: The Path is a Spiral

Brandon and Dalien play a moving voicemail from a listener and then discuss how her trials and tribulations relate to us all. They also share an excerpt from the book Oneness, as well as a story about recent scientific discoveries that point to the existence of parallel realities.

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61: Perspective on depression

Brandon switches up the format by speaking directly with a young listener about her battle with depression and discusses how a clear perspective on reality can help overcome it.

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60: The divine feminine, masculine and more on Taoism

Brandon and Dalien read a review from a listener that leads to a conversation on the divine feminine and masculine. They also further the conversation from a previous podcast on Taoism and share an excerpt from Alan Watts where he discusses this ancient philosophy.

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58: Taoism Synchronicities

Brandon and Dalien discuss the ancient philosophy of Taoism, as well as multiple synchronicities surrounding the topic that occurred on the day this episode was recorded. They also share an excerpt from Dr. Wayne Dyer, and Ponzi joins the show to discuss why you should expect things to get both better and worse.

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57: More on appreciation, gratitude and negative projections online

As a continuation of last week’s episode on appreciation and gratitude, Akashic Records reader Sue Krebs joins this episode to discuss her take on both emotions. Brandon and Dalien also discuss the popularity of projecting negative judgements online, as well as recent evidence that suggests the Sphinx in Egypt may actually be more than 800,000 years old.

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