1710: Life is Actually Very Very Simple!

In today’s episode, Erica talks about how we tend to complicate things in our lives when really, everything is very simple.  She also talks about how when we are able to be aligned with our higher being, our manifestations come through a lot quicker. ...

1709: Creative Afterlife Communication Cases

In today’s episode, Brandon reads several afterlife communication cases from the book Destiny of Souls which highlights a few unique and creative approaches departed loved ones utilize to establish contact with family members that remain in the physical. Care to...

1708: Relax, Respond and Keep it Moving

In today’s episode Brandon shares three powerful realizations he has been pondering lately pertaining to always having what we need, responding instead of reacting, and always speaking our truth to keep energy from stagnating. Get your Lightning in a Bottle...

1707: Everything is Happening RIGHT Now!

In today’s episode, Erica talks about how life is supposed to be fun! She also talks about the illusion of reality and how we are actually eternal beings here on earth to learn lessons in order to expand and evolve our consciousness. Erica then shares a clip...