223: Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication

Brandon and Dalien invite their audience to connect with them and be featured on the podcast, and they lean on a famous quote and an audio clip to comment on contrasting ideas of simplicity and complexity, especially how the latter can clutter our lives and how simple...

222: The power of language and symbols is real magic

Brandon quotes a passage from famed author Alan Moore and plays a Wayne Dyer clip to expand on the idea that language and art have the actual power and role of magic in our culture, starting with basic vocalizations that are encoded with divine meaning. Dig this...

221: Doing your best is acting out of love

Brandon and Dalien answer a listener’s question related to singing and comment on ideas of success and passion, expectations and agendas. Dalien also reports on research that suggests telepathy is real. Dig this...

220: Feel your way to everything you want in life

In this episode Brandon and Dalien discuss the Law of Attraction, based on an Abraham-Hicks workshop clip where a participant gives her perspective and elicits further insights from Abraham on how to “get in the Vortex” and attract what we want into our...