354: The choice is always between love and fear

Brandon is motivated by a listener’s touching story of personal empowerment and creativity to inspire us all into the grandest expression of ourselves, and he plays clips of a speech by Jim Carrey that seek to evoke the same recognition of our limitless...

352: Regret is the least useful emotion

Brandon talks about a listener’s account of struggle following a difficult decision and gives his perspective on regret, playing an Abraham-Hicks clip that contains a perspective not unlike his own, that regret is a virtually useless emotion. Dig this...

351: Interview with meditation coach Caroline Oxberry

Caroline Oxberry is a Reiki Master, Mindfulness and Meditation Coach based out of the UK. In this episode, Caroline and Brandon discuss the importance of self-love, a bit of synchronicity that led to having her on as a guest, and then she takes the listeners through a...

350: A bird’s eye view of the eternal medicine wheel

Brandon responds to a listener’s question about exploring the past in search of answers for the present with a more expansive perspective, touching on reincarnation, past lives and an inspiring, uplifting perspectives on the illusory nature of this cosmic game...