Brandon and Erica were joined by several other podcasters in this week's Live Abundance and Manifestation discussion on Clubhouse, which grew to well over 200 people coming into the room this week! The event started out with someone expressing their...
Brandon and Erica were joined by several other podcasters in this week's Live Abundance and Manifestation discussion on Clubhouse, which grew to well over 200 people coming into the room this week! The event started out with someone expressing their personal issues with the buzzwords Abundance and Manifestation and then led into a discussion around healing. Just as things were winding down Shaman Durek popped into the room which ultimately led to him doing energy work which had a profound effect on a woman and the event being extended longer.
Join us on the next Clubhouse Live event on Thursday, March 11th at 6pm PST by following Brandon on the app and adding the event to your calendar:
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